Randy Lippincott


>15 Years Experience

Life Specialty: Real life Adventure

Non-Member Meeting Price: $75
Member Meeting Price: $50

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Work Experience

  • 02/01/2024 - Present
  • N/A
  • N/A
  • 07/02/2009 - Present
  • Physician Assistant - Orthopedic Surgery
  • Retired Mayo Clinic
  • 10/15/1993 - Present
  • Airline Transport Pilot (ATP)
  • Ryan Air - Kotzabue, Alaska

Why Me?

A boy from Nebraska and serendipitous career choices. Exposure to extremes and real adventure has been my guiding light. I had the good fortune to be exposed early to a skydiving career that began in the 60s. Where Charles Lindbergh made his first three jumps. Inspired by a Medal of Honor recipient, I joined Special Forces and trained as a combat medic. during the Vietnam era. This led to a 36-year career in orthopedic surgery. During this time, I was fortunate to take a hiatus in Alaska and fly 5,000 serious hours in four years as a bush pilot. All of this overlapped with big mountain expeditions, 20,320 feet and minus 94-degree temperatures, ice climbing, cross-country and downhill skiing at 66 mph, and a lifetime of serious rock climbing. I appreciate self-sufficiency, going where there are no crowds, and loving the out-of-doors. Early on, I was exposed to many real-life experiences: I worked as a carpenter, walked the red iron as an ironworker, farmer, house painter, real estate agent, an airline pilot, I worked in a car body shop, and 36 years as a Physician Assistant - 3 years in Family Practice, and 33 years in Orthopedic surgery. My other interests are rock and ice climbing, downhill and cross-country skiing, sailing, kayaking, scuba diving, fly-fishing, hunting, shooting, re-loading, mountain biking, rollerblading, and photography. Wrestling in high school taught me many life lessons that carried me through my Special Forces training. Life is all about choices. I'm here to tell you about various exciting alternatives to the 9-5 grind and what it may mean for you.

Randy Lippincott Intro Video

Mentor Courses


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